About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Marjan Teeuwen

Marjan Teeuwen

A building as sculpture. Marjan Teeuwen creates large-scale architectonic installations inside buildings. These installations are temporary, but the artist captures them through the medium of photography, resulting in more permanent autonomous photographic works.

So far, Teeuwen has realized six installations: Destroyed House (2008), Destroyed House Krasnoyarsk (2009), Destroyed House Piet Mondriaanstraat (2010/2011), Destroyed House Bloemhof (2012), Destroyed House on North (2014), Destroyed House Leiden (2015), and Destroyed House Gaza (2016-2017).

Tension between the power of destruction and decay, and the power of construction and rebuilding, is always present in her work. The polarity between building – destructing, standing – falling, order – chaos, is, in her eyes, essential to the human condition. The remnants of destruction are the starting point for Teeuwen’s reconstruction; a transformation from demolition material into artistic sculpture.

In 2016/2017 Teeuwen realized Destroyed House Gaza in Palestine, the photographs of which will be shown in July 2017 at Framer Framed, as part of the exhibition HOME. The photographic works of Marjan Teeuwen have been exhibited nationally and internationally, and have been acquired by both museal and private collectors.


Exhibition: HOME

With work by Marjan Teeuwen, Ezz Al Zanoon and Rawan Mahady, curated by Meta Knol


Live conversation HOME #4: The politics of autonomous art
A panel discussion in the context of the exhibition 'HOME' about the supposed neutrality of autonomous art
