About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Open Atelier

The Open Atelier consists of a group of creative individuals with a wide range of cultural backgrounds who gather every Monday in Framer Framed. The collaboration started in early 2020 as a program for participants with a migration background, guided by therapists specialised in intercultural psychiatry and creative therapy: Suzanne Delshadian, her team Laura van den Dungen and Ruth Oppel. Following budget cuts in mental health care and the bankruptcy of PsyQ Amsterdam, Framer Framed provided a permanent space for the Open Atelier participants where they can gather on a weekly basis.

Since 2022, the Open Atelier has been part of the Through Art We Care project - a project in which Framer Framed and care organisation Cordaan work together with the aim to make the art institution a place that promotes change, emancipation and psychological well-being through art practice. The participants work together with Framer Framed and Cordaan to organise workshops where they can explore different mediums. The work of the Open Atelier participants is presented during an annual exhibition in Framer Framed.