About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Florian Cramer

Florian Cramer is a reader in Autonomous Art & Design practices at Willem de Kooning Academy and Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His work focuses on multidisciplinary, organised, communal art practices. He is a contributor to artist-run initiatives including the Voluntary Fire Brigade of the Apocalypse, Radio WORM and BananSkole.

He is a documenta fifteen participant, part of the artistic research projects Making Matters, Autonomy LAb, OOK, and a member of the political activist group Doorbraak.

His recent publications include Artistic Research: Dead on Arrival? Research practices of self-organized collectives versus managerial visions of artistic research (in: The Postresearch Condition, 2021) and Pattern Discrimination (2018) (co-edited with Clemens Apprich, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun and Hito Steyerl), Making Matters, A Vocabulary for Collective Arts (Valiz 2022) (co-edited with Janneke Wesseling).


Symposium: (un)Common Grounds - Reflecting on documenta fifteen
A two-day hybrid symposium co-organised by Framer Framed, Akademie van Kunsten & Van Abbemuseum
Summer Academy & Booklaunch: Connecting Otherwise
By Hackers & Designers
Lecture: Meme Wars - Internet culture and the ‘alt-right’
Mapping the emergence of a large white supremacist subculture by Florian Cramer
