About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Meet the Framer Framed Community!

The Framer Framed community is very much of the heart of everything we do from hosting you to setting up an exhibition. Volunteers, hosts, interns, tour guides; some work in the front and some behind the scenes. We would like to shine a light on these wonderful and crucial people. Meet Linnemore, Lovisa, Evie and Anastasia!

Linnemore giving a tour (2019). Photo: © Betul Ellialtioglu / Framer Framed

Linnemore, has been a host and a tour guide at Framer Framed. Lovisa is one of our hosts. Evie is an intern in the Production & Public Program Department. Anastasia has hosted the kinderatelier and Atelier of Light (2019) and helped us with setting up the exhibition On the Nature of Botanical Gardens (2020). We featured a mix of their interviews.

What do you like about being a host and a tour guide at Framer Framed?
Linnemore: I’ve been a host at Framer Framed since 2016 and am now also a tour guide. I enjoy being surrounded by a changing spectrum of socially and visually engaging art, the surprise, every time, of a new exhibition with another point of view and often from another part of the world. Also, each exhibition attracts different people and many visitors are from abroad and seek out Framer intentionally, so one is not confronted with the same crowd all the time. I feel very much at home with the international ambiance -and the warmth of the Framer people.
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Has Framer Framed inspired you to do, look at or engage differently in certain things?
Lovisa: Just being around the inspiring people working for, and visiting Framer Framed has motivated me to apply for a master in Curating. Exhibitions are an amazing medium to share thoughts, feelings, cultural heritage and so on. It can have a great impact on an individual as well as a societal level. I know it is what I want to devote my life to doing. The current exhibition, On the Nature of Botanical Gardens was particularly inspiring to me. Being from Vietnam, a country that is not on the cultural radar, I always felt like its culture would not be interesting to the rest of the world, but seeing the amazing perspective of Indonesian artists made me realise how important it is to share culture. It is a way of communicating culture to culture, so we can forge an understanding between one another. It is a way to showcase each thought with dignity and fairness and even to practice democracy culturally. Through exhibitions we can show we care.
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How is the discourse of Framer Framed connected to your own field of interest/study or (art)practice?
Evie: I did my Bachelor’s in Literary and Cultural Analysis, so I lean more toward specific cultural phenomena; every context and frame is unique and multi-vocal, and its meaning always subject to change which I think Framer Framed highlights in every exhibition. Since my own interest, and research for my Master’s thesis, is colonial history and heritage, I am also personally interested in the decolonial approach of the current exhibition, On the Nature of Botanical Gardens.
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Would you share with us a memory, which took place at Framer Framed, that makes you smile or laugh even now?
Anastasia: Some time ago I was invited to host the kinderatelier in Framer Framed. I found this project incredibly lovely. I was very enthusiastic to finally start working with kids, but also quite scared because of my poor knowledge of the Dutch language. Frankly, I am not really good at learning languages. However, I decided that  kinderatelier might become a great chance for me to finally break the language barrier and learn Dutch.

During my first class I started writing down all the new Dutch words I have heard from kids of around me. I was also repeating them out loud in order to remember them better and impress everyone with my new cool vocabulary. I felt quite proud of myself that day and started to believe in my abilities to pass the Dutch exam in a nearest future. What happened next still makes me laugh. I tried to use some of my new words in public and faced the brutal reality: my new Dutch vocabulary, the one I was so proud of (!!!), mostly consisted of the made-up words, created by 4-5 years old kids.
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We would like to express our gratitude to our community. Thank you for all your work and energy. Looking forward to spending more time in the future.

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Linnemore Nefdt

Framer Framed host

Lovisa Salomonsson

Framer Framed Host

Evie Evans

Exhibition Administrator

Anastasia Afonina

Framer Framed Host

Carel Buenting

Framer Framed host and production assistant

Els Baanders

Framer Framed host

Azita Noroozi

Framer Framed host