About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Remco Torenbosch

Remco Torenbosch

Remco Torenbosch (born 1982, in the Netherlands) investigates the socio-economic and political forces that often have an invisible but major influence on global society.

Within this spectrum, he focuses on a wide range of themes, including the complex dynamic between labor, valuation, speculation and ownership. Rather than symbolic position-taking statements of antagonism toward art’s political economy of circulation, Torenbosch concretises this directive within the social life of his artworks themselves.

For Torenbosch, both the object and its material conditions of production and exchange collectively instantiate the work, demystifying its dependencies. He recontextualises their veiled capitalised history and by that elicits a new way of looking; not only at the subject themselves, but also at the conditions in which they were initially produced, used and distributed. His most recent works focus on the power of private companies that manage resources essential to humanity such as water, housing, electricity, and examines the issues of ownership and access that arise from it.

In 2019, Remco was part of the exhibition Elsewheres Within Here curated by Jo-Lene Ong at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.


Exhibition: Elsewheres Within Here

Curator: Jo-Lene Ong


Artists Talk: Elsewheres Within Here
With the participation of featured artists Mehraneh Atashi, Milena Bonilla, Sissel Marie Tonn, and Remco Torenbosch, along with curator Jo-Lene Ong