Podcast: From Allende to Gaza: Claiming the Agency of the People
Listen to a new episode of the Framer Framed podcast, featuring a recording of a talk by Shahd Hammouri that took place at Framer Framed on Saturday 14 October 2023 during the symposium Revisiting the Past, Shaping the Future.
“[Ethical loneliness] is the result of multiple lapses on the part of the human being and political institutions in failing to listen well to the survivors, to deny them redress by negating their testimony and thwarting their claim to justice.”
This episode is a recording of a talk by Shahd Hammouri that took place at Framer Framed on Saturday, 14 October 2023, during the symposium Revisiting the Past, Shaping the Future. Through a set of short roundtable talks, the event aimed to understand pivotal historical events and their influence on today’s global political environment. Hammouri speaks about how the words of former Chilean president Salvador Allende specifically give agency to peoples around the world and links them to the ongoing Palestinian struggle for liberation and self-determination.
Shahd Hammouri is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Kent. Her research lies at the intersection of Public International Law, International Economic Law and Legal Theory. She is a member of the Executive Committee at Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights.
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The symposium Revisiting the Past, Shaping the Future was co-organised by SOMO, TNI, OLAA and Framer Framed.
Podcast / Burgerschap / Chili / Midden-Oosten / Palestina / Politiek Klimaat /
Symposium: Revisiting the Past, Shaping the Future
Lessen van Chili's voormalige president Allende en internationale solidariteitsbewegingen