Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed



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PUINAMUDT – Pueblos Indígenas Amazónicos Unidos en Defensa de sus Territorios is a united indigenous platform to develop an agenda in defense of the territory and life in Amazon.

The PUINAMUDT platform is made up of five indigenous federations (FEDIQUEP – Quechua Indigenous Federation of Pastaza, FECONACOR – Federation of Native Communities of the Corrientes Basin, ACODECOSPAT – Cocama Association for the Development and Conservation of San Pablo de Tipishca and OPIKAFPE – Organization of Amazonian Kichwa Indigenous Peoples of the Border Peru Ecuador), that bring together a total of 90 indigenous communities from Loreto.

PUINAMUDT  won the annual “Ángel Escobar Jurado” Human Rights award (2017), granted by the organizations and institutions that make up the National Human Rights Coordinator of Peru, in recognition of the years of struggle in defence of the human rights of the indigenous people affected by oil activity.