Lúcia Rosa
Lúcia Rosa is a translator and visual artist. Performed several solos in São Paulo (1993-2006). Collaborated with Eloisa Cartonera (AR) at the 27th Bienal de SP (2006) and at the 31st Bienal de SP (2014) with RURU, Jakarta. Founder of the collective Dulcinéia Catadora in 2007. Participation in the Cartonera Publishers Conference in Madison, Wisconsin (2009), ministered workshops in states of the country and abroad (Maputo, Mozambique, 2012, Wisconsin and New Jersey, USA, 2009 and London, England, 2019). With Dulcinéia Catadora, carries out interventions, gives workshops in several states of Brazil; participates in independent publications and printed art fairs and develops projects with street pickers and slum dwellers. Participation in the exhibitions Shelter and Land (2013) and From Valongo to Favela (2014), both at the Museu de Arte do Rio (RJ); Artist’s book in Brazil at Paulo Campos Guimarães Art Gallery, BH/MG (2015); and The Art of StoryTelling at MAC Niterói, RJ (2016); Artist’s Book Trends in Brazil: 30 years later, CCSP, SP (2015-2016); Residence Hotel Cambridge – workshops for residents of the occupation (2016-2017). Participation (2018) in the exhibition Cartoneras: Latin American re-readings, the result of a research carried out by Alex Ungprateeb Flynn (University of Duhram) and Lucy Bell (University of Surrey). Participation (2019) in Activating the Arts, a project coordinated by Alex Flynn, Lucy Bells and Patrick O’Hare. Dulcinéia´s books are part of special collections in libraries of several countries.