30 Sep 2016 – 20:00
Dutch & Indonesian perspectives on 1945-1949
20:00 – 22:30
Organized by
Histori Bersama foundation
Framer Framed at the Tolhuistuin
IJpromenade 2
1031 CC Amsterdam
Framer Framed at Tolhuistuin can be reached from Amsterdam Centraal Station with the ferry ‘Buiksloterweg’. The exhibition space is located on the first floor, next to restaurant THT.
Organized by the Histori Bersama foundation / Marjolein van Pagee in collaboration with Framer Framed and Koneksi-Connectie.
For decades, Indonesia and the Netherlands have been writing history separately, resulting in different and contradictory historical records and understandings. The Dutch for instance refer to the Independence war (1945-1949) as ‘police actions,’ while Indonesians label it as ‘Dutch military aggressions.’ By showing one Dutch and one Indonesian TV-documentary we aim to open up a discussion.
Film screening
The Indonesian documentary Melawan Lupa (Metro TV Indonesia, 2014) covers the story of Dutch summary executions in 1948 West- Java. The Dutch Documentary Yet the pictures were beautiful (KRO, 1995) reflects on the State Visit of Queen Beatrix to Indonesia and shows how the colonial past still influences public relations after more than 50 years.
Furthermore we will show the short movies Rawagede (2011) from Kaleb de Groot & Iben Trino-Molenkamp and The Loving Son (2015) from Arjen Sinninghe Damste. The film screening will be followed by a panel discussion.
Panel members:
Egbert Dommering, Dutch emeritus professor in information law. He analyzed the national debate in the Netherlands concerning the colonial war in Indonesia. He recently published The Difference of Opinion, a history of a misunderstood idea.
Helmut Hetzel, German foreign correspondent in the Netherlands. He follows the Dutch-Indonesian relations and traveled in 1995 to Indonesia to report about the State Visit of Queen Beatrix.
Ratna Hanani, Indonesian PhD researcher in anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. Her study focuses on citizenship and welfare state. She is part of KITLV’s research group “From clients to citizens: emerging citizenship in democratising Indonesia.”
Willem van der Muur, PhD candidate in law at the Van Vollenhoven Institute Leiden. He studies local land rights and conflicts in South-Sulawesi. With Indo roots he is connected to the colonial history. Between 1945-1949 his grandfather joined the Dutch colonial army (KNIL).
Dr. Tara van Dijk (moderator) is lecturer in Globalisation and Development at Maastricht University.
Entry free, but based on reservations.
Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /