7 Dec 2017
19:00 - 21:00
Paranoia Phenomenon: Open (Your) Data
Within Artificial Intelligence (AI), we almost accept our privacy as open; as having no boundaries, as any machine needs to learn exactly how The World works without anything being unclear. In the next few years, we might see a world where tons of us feel comfortable in sharing all of our detailed personal information as if they were public domains. Erdem Dilbaz stands for Open Human (OH) – Open Human will be open for both internal acceptance of the self and external inputs of the environment. Is it imaginable that we will be set free by making our personal data public? These and more questions will be discussed with the participants of the event.
The talk is followed by a workshop by Erdem Dilbaz, in which we imagine what a world without privacy looks like.
WORKSHOP: ‘Don’t think the future’
It is time to think about possible scenarios, about a future where the whole of our personal information is open to the the public. Let’s think together about this future as realistically as we can. We are going to imagine a world without privacy, to try and reach a kind of utopian world. Or will it be a dystopian one? Let’s imagine the social order between humans in this world, what if your worth is to be dependent on how useful you or your data are for the society you live in?
Erdem Dilbaz is founder of Nerdworking. Nerdworking is a network project founded in 2009, focusing on research and development to provide unique tools for artistic, commercial, experimental and interactive media projects for public spaces. Nerdworking works on an artistic approach to technology, one mayor focus of their practice has been to and create awareness and tools for the use of the internet.
On the organizers
During the exhibition House of Wisdom*, 7 Hills Foundation is curating a series of events in collaboration with Framer Framed. The events are in line of the Paranoia Phenomenon project, which researches daily fears and feelings of paranoia around privacy, from the perspective of visual arts and artists in public spaces. The series of encounters aim to broaden awareness about the digital privacy gap, and to reflect on how digital media have changed our ways of living and interacting with each other.
Full Paranoia Phenomenon program
15 november (at Pakhuis de Zwijger) – Digital Commons
A discussion on way’s to revitalize democracy by designing and developing community owned digital and online spaces. With Engin Önder is one of the initiators of 140journos, a citizens journalism platform in Turkey; Denis Roio, also known as Jaromil, is a researcher in philosophy of technology and a software artisan; Femke Haccou is Urban Innovation Officer at the CTO office (Chief Technology Officer); and Imre Jonk works for Amsterdam Wireless, an initiative for free wireless mesh networks to connect places in Amsterdam. Amsterdam Wireless is part of Freifunk Netherlands, the Freifunk community is part of a global movement for free infrastructure and open frequencies. Besides this, Imre works for Bits of Freedom, the leading digital rights organization in the Netherlands.
7 December (at Framer Framed) – Open (Your) Data.
Presentation & workshop by Erdem Dilbaz, founder of network project Nerdworking.
16 December (at Framer Framed) Performance The General’s Stork by Heba Amin, followed by a conversation with Özkan Gölpinar. This program ties into the weekend program (16-17 Dec) surrounding House of Wisdom, organised by Collective Çukurcuma
8 January (at Pakhuis de Zwijger) – Evening focusing on the Paranoia Phenomenon project. With a presentation by Prof. Melih Krilidog on the role of the internet during the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey and a panel discussion on the internet, (government) surveillance and privacy with Melih Kirlidog and Marjolein Lanzing, amongst others.
On the project Paranoia Phenomenon:
The Internet as today’s transparent public space, has become a new panopticon. Under the watchful eye of the big data corporations – and governments looking over their shoulders – we, end users, share our lives with our friends and the world. In our daily lives we are anticipating on our virtual alter egos and censoring our behaviour accordingly. We are limiting our actions and ideas with the rules of the digital space. Did the Internet of today bring us the predicted personal freedom? Has our concept of freedom changed as today’s digital technology seems to dictate our use of it?
Paranoia Phenomenon is a project that researches daily fears and feelings of paranoia around privacy from the perspective of visual arts and artists in a public space. Our curiosity lies in both social and artistic approaches and where they meet within this context.
This series of encounters aims is broaden awareness about the digital privacy gap and to reflect on how digital media have changed our ways of living and interacting with each other.
The event series Paranoia Phenomenon has been made possible with the help of Stichting Democratie en Media, Netwerk Democratie, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Framer Framed and 7 Hills Foundation.
- 7 Hills Foundation
Politiek en technologie / Digital commons & democracy / Nieuwe media / Turkije /

Expositie: House of Wisdom
Samengesteld door het Çukurcuma Collectief (Naz Cuguoğlu en Mine Kaplangı)
Paranoia Phenomenon: Transparency and censorship in the social media age
An in-depth conversation on the use and abuse of social media in the public realm