7 Jul 2016 – 20:00
Feminist Memory: Digging the Black Archives
Aanvang 20:00 uur Lokatie Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2 1031 KT Amsterdam-Noord Route Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin is van Amsterdam Centraal Station bereikbaar met het pontje ‘Buiksloterweg’. De entree van het gebouw ligt direct aan het fietspad langs het IJ. De expositieruimte is bereikbaar via restaurant THT. Gratis entree
Feminist Memory: Digging the Black Archives is part of Perspectives – a series of public and discursive events that are programmed alongside the exhibition Embodied Spaces (2015) by curator Christine Eyene at Framer Framed in Amsterdam.
Feminist Memory: Digging the Black Archives is a discursive event on the representation and presence of black women in institutional and unconventional archives with (international) guests artist: Ope Lori (UK), researcher Emma Dabiri (UK) and Professor Nana Adusei-Poku (NL/DE).
Across the world, archives are more than ever prominently present and accessible to art practitioners and the public alike. Nonetheless, the institutional obsession with accessibility and transparency does not equal visibility for all.
What does it mean for those women whose presence in the society’s collective memory bank is either erased or barely of value? How can feminist archival research go beyond finding and showcasing women of the past and simultaneously achieve position in relation to their positionality?
For this gathering the concept of ‘digging the crates’ will be applied to (non) institutional archives. The guest speakers will share their findings, perspectives and thoughts with the audience to spark a conversation on remembering, presence and absence or ways to make space for untold histories in existing archives. The journey of digging in the archives also intersects with underground cultural productions, artists and practices that are unmarked, erased or left out of the historicization in art, cultural and society, but whose absence often resides on Yesteryears flyers and fleeting memories. Metaphorically speaking, this evening in which the digging of the archives showcases lost women, unwritten icons and artworks that provide us food for thought on themes such as remembering, presence, absence and feminism.
Ope Lori is one of the participating artists in the Embodied Spaces exhibition,
Emma Dabiri is a visual sociology PhD researcher at Goldsmiths, and teaching fellow at the Centre of African Studies at SOAS, University of London,
Nana Adusei-Poku is Research Professor in Cultural Diversity at Hogeschool Rotterdam and Lecturer in Media Arts at the University of the Arts, Zurich,
Simone Zeefuik is an Amsterdam based writer, she is the founder of literary platform RE:definition and part of refugee organisation Wij Zijn Hier/We Are Here.
Het levende archief / Feminisme /

Expositie: Embodied Spaces
Een expositie samengesteld door Christine Eyene rondom de thema's lichaam, gender en identiteit.
Serie publieke events parallel aan de expositie Embodied Spaces.
Simone Zeefuik
Schrijver en cultureel programmeur

Christine Eyene
Curator en onderzoeker