Decolonial Summer School Middelburg
In 2010 the Decolonial Summer School Middelburg was hosted for the first time at the University College Roosevelt (University of Utrecht) in cooperation with the Centre for Global Studies and the Humanities (Duke University). Opening the university to live’s diversity and other knowledges, Walter Mignolo and Rolando Vázquez have been bringing together students, activists, scholars and artists in the academic setting. Addressing the danger of the single story in the Modern/Colonial world order, the School invites participants to learn about the decolonial option. Participants and lecturers collectively explore creative alternatives to global (un)justice by critically engaging local histories to challenge global designs.
Situated in the town of Middelburg, the School began a dialogue that addresses global social justice, connecting at the same time the legacy of the European slave trade and the Jewish holocaust. The School’s aim is to make visible the pluriversality of experiences that are subsumed under the hegemonic design of the modern/colonial world order. The Decolonial Summer School Middelburg speaks about ethics and tolerance while learning to listen and engage with one another with respect.