ASKV / Steunpunt Vluchtelingen
ASKV / Steunpunt Vluchtelingen (ASKV Refugee Support) is an Amsterdam-based organisation that provides legal assistance and social support to rejected refugees in the Netherlands. Undocumented refugees are often caught in an impossible position: being unable to return to their country of origin, but at the same time lacking access to social security, education and employment in the Netherlands. This group often ends up in the margins of society, vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.
In addition to direct assistance, ASKV is a vocal advocate for refugee rights, both locally and nationally. ASKV engages in direct policy advocacy, as well as organising debates with policymakers for the general public. ASKV also engages in awareness campaigns to bring these issues into the public debate. Our multifaceted approach to assistance and support for undocumented refugees aims to end their precarious and marginalised existence and enables people to work on their own future in a durable, dignified way.