Anne Wetsi Mpoma
Anne Wetsi Mpoma is an art historian, curator, author and gallery owner. She proposes solutions to deconstruct and reinvent the arts and the imaginary for a more inclusive society. Director and founder of the Wetsi Art Gallery (2019, asbl Nouveau Système Artistique), an interdependent space that builds bridges with diverse audiences, particularly institutional ones, by showing the work of artists marginalized because of their “race”, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin and/or “disability”.
In her essay “Resisting in the arts and culture in a postcolonial context” (in Being Imposed Upon, 2020), she analyzes the power relations between Belgian Afrodescendent women artists evolving on the margins and the holders of dominant power on the contemporary art scene. The exhibition project Through her (True her) addresses the same theme by bringing the works of these marginalized artists into dialogue with those that have joined the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the City of Ghent (S.M.A.K.), following research carried out by the co-curator of the project, Pascale Obolo. She is currently participating in the work of the experts appointed to draft a first report to guide the members of the House of Representatives participating in the commission charged with analyzing Belgium’s colonial past and its current consequences.
- Wetsi Art Gallery