Sohl Lee
Dr. Sohl Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Art History at Stony Brook University in New York. Her research focuses on modern and contemporary art in East Asia, visual culture, postcolonial theories, histories of the avant-garde, and pedagogical curating. She edited Being Political Popular: South Korean Art at the Intersection of Popular Culture and Democracy, 1980-2010 (2012) and her publications have appeared in multiple academic and art journals. Her first solo-authored book, Reimagining Democracy: The Minjung Art Movement and the Birth of Contemporary Korean Art, is forthcoming with the Duke University Press. Her current project explores the global circulation of North Korean art and visual culture as it intersects with the history of socialist international friendship, Third World solidarity, and decolonisation projects across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In the winter of 2014-2015, she worked as the line producer for CHE Onejoon’s Mansudae Master Class in Gabon and Ethiopia.