Nesrin During
Nesrin During received her PhD in Comparative Literature from Bosphorus University in Istanbul in 1970. She is a self-taught ceramist and has lived in the Netherlands for over 40 years, where she has a shared workspace with her husband, a furniture designer, on the island of Texel. During’s ceramics are known for their organic, abstract style, featuring both round and sharp lines that create a sense of both silence and movement. She has exhibited her work in museums and galleries in several countries, including the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Spain, and the USA.
In addition to her ceramics work, During also teaches the subject at the Foundation for Art Education Triade in Den Helder, and is a freelance writer for ceramics magazines such as Neue Keramik and Ceramic Review. Ursula Früh, the president of the Swiss Ceramics Association, described During’s works as `Avec la terre, elle va à l’essentiel, et elle l’exprime sans artificial` (going to the essentials with earth and expressing it without artifice) in 2002.
Nesrin During is one of the contributing artists of the exhibition Scattered: Hidden Narratives Through Archives (2023) curated by Nesli Gül which takes place from 3 March to 16 April at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.