Marietje Schaake
Marietje Schaake – author of then book The Tech Coup. How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley – discusses how tech companies have been eroding democracy and what makes their growing power into a systemic problem; compares the policies of democratic and authoritarian regimes: identifies issues where regulation would be urgently needed on the global level; and spells out crucial aspects of a specifically democracy-focused internet policy. The Tech Coup. How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley (2024) is published by Princeton University Press.
Marietje Schaake is international policy director at Stanford University Cyber Policy Center and international policy fellow at Stanford’s Institute for Human- (entered Artificial Intelligence. Between 2009 and 2019, she served as a member of the European Parliament for the Dutch liberal democratic party D66 and was among the leading personalities shaping the EU’s policies on technology. trade, and foreign affairs Marietje Schaake currently serves on the United Nation’s Al Advisory Body and she also writes a monthly column for the Financial Times on technology and governance.
Schaake grew up in Leiden en went to middle school at the Haags Montessori Luceum. After her graduation, ze took off to the United States to study a year of a Liberal Arts-program at the Wittenberg University, Ohio. At the University of Amsterdam, Schaake studied Sociology and later American Studies with a minor in New Media. Ze interned at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and consequently did the Lantos Fellowship at the United States House of Representatives where she concentrated on international relations and human rights issues.
After the completion of her studies, she had her own consulting bureau and she adviced, amongst others, the American ambassador in the Netherlands, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, cultural institutions and companies. Schaake was specialised in theme’s such as diversity, integrations and muslims in the West. In 2007, she received the Barney Karbank Memorial Award 2007 for outstanding leadership in the field of human rights. In the autumn of 2008, Schaake was a candidate for the European Parliament for D66. Ze got the third place in the list of candidates. At the European Parliaments election 2009, D66 gained three seats and Schaake was chosen.
- NRC Podcast - Het Uur with cyber expert Marietje Schaake
- Princeton University - The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley
- Podcast: Tech Policy - Resisting the Tech Coup: A Conversation with Marietje Schaake