Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Liliana Buitrago

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Liliana Buitrago is an ecofeminist, researcher and artivist at Colectiva Mucyt- Mujeres Cuerpos y Territorios in Venezuela, she is part of the Post Extractive Futures collective and member of the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South (Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur). She accompanies experiences of sound improvisations as a singer. She holds a master’s degree in linguistics with an interest in critical discourse studies, social movements and ecosocial transformations. She has participated in various collective experiences for the defense of seeds, climate justice, human breastfeeding, care, solidarity economies and biodiversity in Venezuela, also contributing in international articulation spaces such as the Latin American and Caribbean Platform for Climate Justice and the World Assembly for the Amazon.


Weaving Towards Post-Extractive Cultures
Deze bijeenkomst reflecteert op post-extractieve culturen, manieren van zorg, solidariteit en dekolonisatie.