Elaine W. HO
Elaine W. HO works between the realms of time-based art, experimental publishing and urban practice, using multiple vocabularies to explore the micropolitics, subjectivities, and alter-possibilities of an intimate, networked production. The act of describing takes on a number of forms—a kind of grammar, a documentation, a gesture, a biography—or an experiment in Beijing known as HomeShop. She is the initiator of the artist-run space, active from 2008-2013, and continues to ask questions about the sociopolitics of syntax, more recently via print [•• PROPAGANDA DEPARTMENT (2017-ongoing) and Publication Studio Pearl River Delta (2018-ongoing)], pirate broadcast [Widow Radio Ching (2016-ongoing) and airTIME (2020-ongoing)] and as a co-conspirator of Display Distribute, a networked research platform investigating bottom-up organisation amidst global trade (2015-ongoing).
She likes to drink coffee and tea mixed together and is a frequent contributor at www.iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.net.