Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Christel Vesters

Christel Vesters is an art critic, researcher, and curator based in Amsterdam and London.

Christel studied art history and curating in Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam), New York (New York University), and London (Goldsmith’s College), and holds an MA in Art History from the University in Amsterdam. She recently started her PhD at the Royal College of Art in London on the subject of contemporary art and the representation and production of alternative art knowledge systems. Christel also teaches art theory at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam.

Christel regularly writes for international art publications such as Metropolis M, Flash Art, De Groene Amsterdammer and Afterall. She has contributed to many artist publications and exhibition catalogues and has published a number of essays on art in public space, the crossovers between art, architecture and design, and on the subject of art and knowledge, such as  and The Anti-Encyclopaedic: from poetic disorder to political anti-order (and back again) (2013).

Christel has curated various exhibitions and discursive discursive projects, including the successful lecture series and publication Now is the Time. Art & Theory in the 21th Century (2009) in collaboration with the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam.

From 2009 to 2011, Christel was a member of the curatorial team at the Netherlands Architecture Institute where she was responsible for the institute’s international public program and platform activities. She was part of the Stedelijk Museum’s editorial board of the Global Collaborations project’s online activities.


Seminar: Tracing migration through textiles
Gehost door Framer Framed, georganiseerd door curator Christel Vesters als onderdeel van project Touch/Trace.