Bárbara Santos
Bárbara Santos is a visual artist and independent researcher. Her work focuses on using the conjunction between art and technology, under the guidance of ancestral knowledge, to make processes of transformation in the Amazon visible. She has significant experience in the jungles since 2005 in the Vaupés and Putumayo regions (Colombian Amazon) and is the author of the book La curación como tecnología (Healing as Technology IDARTES, 2019), co-editor of the book The Territory of the Yurupari Jaguars (ACAIPI-GAIA 2015) and the interactive book Seed Mothers (ACAIPI 2024).
Her long-term collective projects are interwoven with the intention of questioning traditional structures and contemporary art formats. By exploring the aesthetic ruptures encounters between complex and asymmetric cultures, Santos challenges the discourse and logic of colonial policies.