About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Kunstwerk door Rossel Chaslie

12 Sep 2024
16:00 - 20:00

Award Ceremony Young Artsupport Amsterdam

The award ceremony of the Young Artsupport Amsterdam (YAA) foundation will take place on Thursday 12 September 2024 at Framer Framed. YAA is an initiative that focuses its activities on young, talented artists who have just completed their education. Seven artists from various disciplines will receive a YAA-award.

The YAA Foundation works with partners from art schools and production houses in Amsterdam, helping young artists with various activities in the startup phase after finishing their studies. YAA partners nominate artists from different disciplines as candidates for the annual YAA-awards. During the award ceremony, which is moderated by Noraly Beyer, partners explain their choice and the artists give a presentation to the audience.

The audience is asked to prepare as well, as the YAA-audience award will also be presented that evening. Information about each of the winners can be found on the YAA website and in the magazine that will become available that day.


15:30 | Walk-in

16:00 | Opening by moderator Noraly Beyer and Josien Pieterse of Framer Framed

16:10 | Presentation by YAA-award winner Rossel Chaslie (Visual Arts)
Nominated by CBK, Annet Zondervan

16:25 | Presentation YAA-award winners Maxime Abbenhues and Mees Meeuwsen (Dance and Acrobatics) Nominated by ICK, Suzy Blok

16:35 | Presentation YAA-award winner Michael Bucuzzo (Film)
Nominated by Netherlands Film Academy, Nduka Mntambo

16:50 | Explanation of YAA-audience award by Gimene Spaans


17:10 | Presentation YAA-award winner Sun Chang (Visual Arts)
Nominated by Framer Framed, Cas Bool

17:25 | Presentation YAA-award Astrid Ardagh (Mixed Media and Film)
Nominated by Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Simone Bennett

17:40 | Presentation YAA-award winner Ramin Amin Tafreshi (Composition)
Nominated by Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Willem Jeths

17:55 | Award ceremony
Closing and photo session

18:00 | Drinks and snacks
Announcement of YAA audience award

Would you like to attend? Sign up by sending an email to marianne@youngartsupportamsterdam.nl.

This event is in English and free of charge. Donations are welcome.

This event may be photographed and filmed. Please let us know in advance if you prefer not to have your picture taken.

Framer Framed is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Amsterdam Fund for the Arts; Municipality of Amsterdam; and VriendenLoterij Fonds.

Collectives / New media /


Exhibition: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis

Exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia


YAA-award Ceremony 2020
Prijsuitreiking aan vijf Amsterdamse kunstenaars


Sun Chang
