About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Burning Museum Collective - The Boys 2, Woodstock, Cape Town (2013)
Burning Museum at Steve Bikoplein, Amsterdam
Burning Museum at Steve Bikoplein, Amsterdam
Burning Museum at Steve Bikoplein, Amsterdam
Burning Museum at Steve Bikoplein, Amsterdam
Burning Museum at Steve Bikoplein, Amsterdam
Burning Museum at Steve Bikoplein, Amsterdam

29 Aug 2016 – 17:00

Straatpraatj(i)es: Onthoud jy nog

Time 17:00 – 19:00 uur Start location Steve Bikoplein, Amsterdam Oost Entry Free

As part of the exhibition Re(as)sisting Narratives (2016) at Framer Framed, Burning Museum will host a public intervention in the Transvaalbuurt in Amsterdam East. The public intervention consists of them installing the on-site work Onthoud jy nog, an expansion of the installation Remember to Onthou at Framer Framed. It continues the exploration of subaltern histories in context of the Transvaalbuurt, a neighbourhood which was built in commemoration of the relationship between the Dutch and their descendants in South Africa.

We will start at Steve Bikoplein and continue onwards to Pretoriusstraat and Krugerplein, as the collective tells us more about their practice, specifically in the context of Transvaalbuurt in Amsterdam. Everyone is welcome to join in.

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South Africa / Shared Heritage / Performance /


Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives

Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries
