About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Verdict Presentation: CICC vs. The Dutch State

Presentation of the verdict in the CICC vs. the Dutch State case
De Molenwijk door elkaar

Revealing of tapestry: De Molenwijk door elkaar

With Stichting BMP and Werkplaats Molenwijk community in OBA Molenwijk

Amsterdam Art Week at Framer Framed

Exhibition 'The Silence of Tired Tongues', Oost Tour, Book launch: 'International Friendship' and more!

Opening: KAZAL - Narrating Haitian Memories

With Georges H. Rouzier, Reginald Louissaint Jr., Tessa Mars & Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken

Book Launch: International Friendship

Artist talk with CHE Onejoon, Inga Lāce and Sohl Lee at Framer Framed

Football match Molenwijk

An alternative football match organised by artist in residence Anan Striker