24 Nov 2018
19:00 - 21:00
Diasporic Self II: Dancing as lingua franca (a gathering in progress)
Framer Framed is happy to participate in Amsterdam Art Weekend, a weekend consisting of 100 exhibitions, tours, performances and screenings at more than 50 venues throughout the city of Amsterdam.
Diasporic Self II: Dancing as lingua franca (a gathering in progress)
With: Hannah Catherine Jones, Ogutu Muraya, Amal Alhaag, Barby Asante
Where does sound live? Somewhere between elsewhere and where are you from, in between citizenships and marginalisation, ruins and alleyways. There, where, people are dancing to the tunes of their own communities, selves and languages.
This evening is pitch black, messy and brings together improvisations, performances and close reading of everyday vernacular archives by artists, poets and strangers. The gathering takes place in the preparation period of the exhibition Diasporic Self: Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca, curated by Amal Alhaag and Barby Asante and opening at both Framer Framed (13 December 2018) and 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning (London). Sounds and sonic practices will guide us in the ways sound and visual cultures continue to (re)shape alternative lexicons and influence the contemporary black cultures across Europe.
More info on the Amsterdam Art Weekend website, where you can assemble your own AAW programme (and add us to your selection ;))!
Community & Learning / Diaspora /

Exhibition: Diasporic Self - Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca
A project initiated by Amal Alhaag and Barby Asante
Finale Diasporic Self: Black Love Letters & Manifestos
An event celebrating the final day of Diasporic Self: Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca.
Opening: Exhibition Diasporic Self: Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca
A project by Amal Alhaag and Barby Asante.

Hannah Catherine Jones (aka Foxy Moron)

Barby Asante
Artist, Curator, Educator