12 May 2011 – 19:30
The artist as anthropologist
Start: 19:30
Free entrance
Bijlmerplein 1006 – 1008
1102 ML Amsterdam
Artists are getting involved more and more in social topics and use methods and concepts that were developed in, for instance, anthropology. The work of artists and anthropologists is equally defined by an ambition to make sense of the surrounding world. Boundaries between art and anthropology are blurred and new collaborations and cross-pollinations are created.
In the exhibition Enkeltje Schiphol at Imagine IC the photographer Karine Versluis depicts young people from Curaçao who move to the Netherlands to study there. Over a two-year period she tracked the students in their daily lives, before and after the crossing. She integrated herself into their environment and documents their choices and development during the period of their migration.
The work of Koštana Banovi? consists of drawings, performances and videos. Her focus is an investigation into the relationship between her Self and the Other. In the experimental documentary film Ploha (2007) she investigates what the influence of her migration history is on the relationship with her children. Banovi? grew up in Sarajevo, and her children did not. Together they made a trip to her home town, in an effort to bridge the distance between their backgrounds.
Karine Versluis and Koštana Banovi? talk about their work, their methods and their position between art and the reality of society. Karine Versluis talks with Marlous Willemsen, director of Imagine IC, and Koštana Banovi? will talk to Hilde de Bruijn, curator at the Cobra Museum and former Head of Exhibitions at Smart Project Space. How is the practice (and its additional challenges) of cooperation and interaction between art and anthropology applied in both of these institutes?
The introduction to the evening will be given by Eddy Appels, anthropologist, documentary filmmaker and director of SAVAN and the festival Beeld voor Beeld.
Chairing the evening will be Will Tinnemans, writer, media trainer and moderator. Tinnemans worked for NRC Handelsblad, de Volkskrant and Intermediair and in 2008 published, together with Jan Banning, Alledaagse Macht. Ontdekkingsreis langs ambtelijke werelden.
Caribbean / Photography /

Karine Zenja Versluis

Koštana Banović
Visual artist and filmmaker