2 Jul 2024
18:00 - 20:00
Ancestral Damages: Demanding Climate Reparations
On Tuesday 2 July 2024, climate justice activist and researcher Marcela Varconte will organise a workshop and discussion exploring immaterial and ancestral damages in populations affected by disasters, and building collective rights from singular voices. She will guide participants through a methodology of interviews inspired by her experiences working in Brazil.
Places are limited, register for the workshop here.
Marcela Varconte is an Afro-Indigenous Black woman born in São Paulo. She is a social scientist, researcher and activist against environmental racism and for climate justice. She has extensive experience in social research, affective mappings, conflict mediation and cultural interventions in affected areas. Her research ‘Rupturas e continuidades de uma comunidade Negra‘ led her to projects focusing on peripheral black youth, genderstudies, Quilombola population and reparation movements.
Varconte has documented the immaterial and ancestral damages suffered by Quilombola and Indigenous populations affected by major disasters in Brazil. An example of this is the Mariana disaster – the largest river destruction in the world caused by the collapse of a mining dam. She was part of the research team for the Rio Doce Project, conducting diagnostics, impact assessments and evaluating damages caused to communities by the Fundão dam collapse in Mariana, Minais Gerais, Brazil.
During the workshop and discussion, Varconte will share cases of immaterial and ancestral damages that cannot be legally recognised, community challenges of ongoing reparative policies and the importance of art and cultural activities in the lives of Quilombola and Indigenous communities in the struggle for climate justice.
Varconte will share insights into the process of engaging with affected communities and how activists work to transform individual accounts into material for the fight for total reparations, compensation and the implementation of collective rights, centralising the voices of those affected. Sounds interesting? Sign up here to attend!
This event is in English and free of charge. A donation at the door is appreciated.
Framer Framed is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Amsterdam Fund for the Arts; Municipality of Amsterdam; and VriendenLoterij Fonds.
Ecology / Extractivism / Colonial history / Workshop /

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Marcela Varconte
Researcher, Activist