1 Jul 2016 – 00:00
Akona Kenqu - photography series Society now for sale
The work of photographer Akona Kenqu is on view in the exhibition Society (2016) at Framer Framed, from March 8 – end. After the finissage, interested parties will be able to purchase the exhibited works! For more information on the works, please refer to the information below.
[Link Catalogue at the bottom]
About Akona Kenqu and Society
Akone Kenqu was part of the Women in Photography Mentorship 2012 program of Market Photo Workshop, during which she worked on her Society project. With Society Akona Kenqu explores the lives and roles of skaters in contemporary South Africa. Seeking spaces of refuge, of expression and of conflict, Kenqu considers the ways in which young black skaters, Skate Society Soweto (or SSS) in particular, figure their environments and define their belonging. Some of these spaces are made for skaters; many of them are created and appropriated. Some of the spaces are personal, already owned, and from the objects and aspects of these spaces a connection is developed to what it means to be a skater and how this meaning is fashioned. Kenqu is interested in challenging the stereotypes of skaters and skate culture, and in figuring the roles of relations, connections and socialisation of the people who call it their own.
“My interest to do this project started in 2009. I did a body of work then titled Kick, Push and that was somewhat of a build up to Society. I photographed these guys skating and I also documented their daily activities that were not so “skater”… so yeah the mundane moments and also the really exciting stuff.
I don’t worry about things like male dominated whatever’s. I’m a photographer and that’s what I care about in my profession. I think if I worried about such then I would never actually get to do what I really love. I sometimes get people saying “Oh I thought a guy photographed this” but then what does that mean? I am always left a bit puzzled because what is it to photograph like a woman or a man?”
[Source: Akona Kenqu, in conversation with Belinda Kholeka Shange]For sale
The photography series Society by Akona Kenqu has been exhibited at Framer Framed for a couple of months. We are now offering the works for sale. Check out the ‘catalogue’ in ATTACHMENTS below for more specific information on the individual works. Please note that the shown prices are excluding frames, these can be purchased separately.
If you are interested in purchasing one of Akona Kenqu’s works from the exhibition at Framer Framed, please contact Léon us at leon@framerframed.nl / 020 763 09 73
- Catalogue Akona Kenqu - Society (Framer Framed)
Photography /

Exhibition: Society by Akona Kenqu
With work by Akona Kenqu, on the skate culture in Johannesburg, South Africa