Wouter Osterholt
Wouter Osterholt is a Berlin-based artist who has a bachelor degree in fine arts at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2001). His work is site- and context specific and manifests itself along the faultlines and breaking points of our (political) landscape where social injustice, conflicts or problems come to light. These are unfinished places or unclear situations where democratic decision-making fails and where ideals fade in the face of fear, abuse of power and manipulation. These ruins in the neoliberal landscape offer the opportunity to expose the layers of history and uncover other memories and narratives that run counter to the existing hegemony. This is where the underlying crises of our time surface and where art can play a role in increasing the visibility of the problem and the position of marginalised groups or forgotten histories. The projects are designed in such a way that they are able to map, like a seismograph, the tensions in the social field. Osterholt was an artists-in-residence at the White House in London (UK), Townhouse Gallery in Cairo (EG), the MAK Center in Los Angeles (US), Capacete in Rio de Janeiro (BR), IASKA in Perth (AUS), and at PIST in Istanbul (TR), and more. He exhibited works at: The Mosaic Rooms (UK), Frisian Museum (NL), the 13th Istanbul Biennial (TR), the Townhouse Gallery (EG), Schunck, museum in Heerlen (NL), etc.
Wouter Osterholt is one of the participating artists of the exhibition Taking Stock (2021) at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.