About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Unmake Lab

Unmake Lab

Unmake Lab is interested in new phenomena among humans, technology, nature, and society, and their work takes the shape of exhibitions, education, and research projects. For Landing Points, they focus on Songdo, a city located on the Korean coast near Seoul and the first proclaimed smart city in the world. To develop this urban area, vast amounts of human and natural resources are used to maintain this apparently idyllic suburban area. However, the ecological toll is undeniable. Here, artificial intelligence meets the dirty reality. Unmake Lab investigates what kind of conflict this may invoke.


Mobile Scenario

Exhibition: Mobile Scenarios for the Metamorphic Beings

Drifting Curriculum research presentation supported by Arts Council Korea and Dutch Culture


Transoceanic Memories: Disaster Haggyo presentation
An afternoon of transdisciplinary dialogues on disasters in the Anthropocene supported by Arts Council Korea
