About the part that art plays in a globalising society

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Daniel Rycroft

Daniel Rycroft

Daniel Rycroft is a lecturer in the Arts and Cultures of Asia at the University of East Anglia, with wide experience of art historical, ethnographic and subaltern methodologies. He holds a bachelor in World Art Studies from this school and a DPhil in the history of Art from the University of Sussex. he is one of the founding editors of the magazines World Art and Imperial Inhibitions.

His research interests lie in de-colonisation and postcolonialism, visual ethnography, indigenous studies and world art studies. He is currently working on a book about the histories of anthropology, indigenous people and cultural heritage in modern India. His research has also analysed the relationship between visual culture and colonial identities in India during the mid-nineteenth century, and he has co-directed a documentary film on the Santal Revolution, Hul Sengel, with Joy Raj Tudu. He is a founding editor of the journal World Art (Taylor and Francis).


World Art and the Imperial Imagination
A workshop on the interface of contemporary art, postcolonial theory and cultural museology.
Indigenous Art Now!
Forum and launch for Artlink Indigenous.
