16 Sep –
16 Nov 2015
Exhibition: Common Ground
In Common Ground, part of the Unseen Photo Fair Amsterdam, a selection of photographs that constitute the black European existence is presented in the downstairs hallway at Framer Framed. Artist Charl Landvreugd explores the plurality of black hues and advocates for distinctions in black diversity; This is a search that brought him to four different continents and various environment. This interaction with different heritages and experiences is related to the survey of the current (political) reality, mobility and transatlantic connections that are also apparent within artist collective The State of L3. The Common Ground is a space that provides a variety of Afro-European aesthetics with reference to Afro-Futuristic and postcolonial components.
Curated by Vincent van Velsen.
- Unseen Photo Fair - Amsterdam
- The State of L3 - Contemporary Arts and Film Collective
- Personal website of Antonio Jose Guzman
- Persoonlijke website van Charl Landvreugd
Shared Heritage / Caribbean / Diaspora / Photography /

Exhibition: Ancestral Blues - Return to the State of L3
A research on a hybrid Transatlantic culture curated by Vincent van Velsen

Vincent van Velsen
Art critic and curator

Antonio Jose Guzman