Jozefina Dautbegović’s poem: The Unidentified
The title of the exhibition From what will we reassemble ourselves (2020) is derived from Jozefina Dautbegović’s poem The Unidentified (2003).
The Unidentified
Like in a mass grave
everyone has died of one’s own death
of the same thing
What is his collarbone doing
next to this frontal bone
And what will he look like
Reassembled from different parts
When the day of resurrection
It is a particular question
From what will we reassemble ourselves
If again
we decide to love one another
There is no prior order of things
The same things can be assembled in different ways
Targeted reduction semantics
a man gives a lecture
about things that have nothing to do with the above
He doesn’t know that everything in life
Is one and the same thing
Like the clothes-line in the yard stretched from end
to end
On which only infrequently
is the laundry changed.
Jozefina Dautbegović, “Neidentificirani,” in: Sarajevske sveske, no. 4, 2003, p. 271
The English Translation was generously made available by Damir Arsenijević from “Mobilising Unbribable Life: The Politics of Contemporary Poetry in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Towards a New Literary Humanism. Edited by A Mousely, Springer, 2011, p. 178-179.
Kao u zajedničkoj grobnici svatko je umro od svoje smrti navodno
za istu stvar
Što radi njegova ključna kost uz ovu čeonu
I na što će dotični nalikovati sastavljen od različitih dijelova kad dođe dan
Posebno je pitanje
od čega ćemo se mi sastaviti
ako se ponovno
odlučimo voljeti
Nema unaprijed zadanog poretka stvari
Iste se stvari mogu izvesti na više načina
Ciljana redukcija semantika
govori čovjek na predavanju
o stvarima koje s ovim gore nemaju nikakve veze
On ne zna da je sve u životu
jedna te ista stvar
Kao s kraja na kraj razapet konopac na dvorištu na kojem se samo povremeno
rublje mijenja.
Jozefina Dautbegović, Zagreb, 20.10.2001
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