30 Jan 2025
17:00 - 19:00
Weaving Towards Post-Extractive Cultures
On 30 January, Framer Framed hosts the participatory event Weaving Towards Post-Extractive Cultures, organised by collectives Post-Extractive Futures, Pluriversity Weavers and independent platform Quelccaya. The evening will reflect on the possibilities of post-extractive cultures and explore practices of care, solidarity, and decolonial and relational worlding.
The main question for this gathering lies in the living concept of post-extractivism, which will serve as a ‘fermentation starter’ to the conversations. Originating in Abya Yala / Latin America, post-extractivism emerged in response to the violent impacts of extractivism on local territories. It challenges extractive practices and infrastructures while fostering pluriversal alternatives that nurture relationality – with Earth, with each other, and with non-human life. Recognising the profound and lasting impacts of the extractive era, post-extractivism faces these ruins and calls for efforts to repair and regenerate cultures that sustain life.
Through dialogues and relational practices that engage the body, time, and place, the event will delve into how these ideas resonate within specific contexts. The gathering will create space for collective reflection on how responses to interconnected global crises can be woven into a broader tapestry that supports a pluriversal world, one in which diverse ways of being and knowing can coexist.
Post-Extractive Futures (PEF) is a collective of activists and scholars from diasporic backgrounds working across Europe and their localities of origin. They are creating spaces for solidarity-weaving among activists dreaming and mobilising towards postcapitalist, ecological, feminist, intergenerational, Indigenous, and decolonial futures. Their members fulfil roles in non-profits such as War on Want, Amazon Frontlines, JunteGente, Sunrise Project, and Tipping Point UK.
Pluriversity Weavers is a collective composed of Aldo E. Ramos, Li Yuchen, Natalia Jaramillo, Aliki van der Kruis, and Rolando Vázquez. Through pedagogical experiments and performances, they invite people to connect their thinking to the living territory and to deconstruct colonial legacies and ideologies.
Quelccaya – Towards Post-Extractive Cultures is currently transitioning into an independent platform dedicated to nurturing post-extractive cultures. Quelccaya evolved from Fossil Free Culture NL and continues to weave with the community of artists, eco-social activists, Indigenous knowledge-keepers, radical researchers, and Earth-defenders convened during the first public gathering “Towards Post-Extractive Cultures” (TPEC) held in Amsterdam in 2023.
This event is made possible by the generous support of VriendenLoterij Fonds, European Cultural Foundation, and Cultuurfonds. Hosted by Framer Framed, Amsterdam.
This event is in English. Admission is free.
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Ecology / Extractivism / Art and Activism /