About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Quetzal Maucci by Ana Blumenkron

Quetzal Maucci

Quetzal Maucci (she/her, 1992, USA) is a photographer, visual storyteller, and educator based in London, UK. In her work, Maucci combines visual documentary techniques with archival images, poetry, interviews and other various forms of intervention in order to challenge systemic values and social constructs. She seeks to create space for personal therapeutic processes while dismantling and exploring ideas surrounding immigration, connection, family dynamics, and identity.

She is one of the winners of the 2024 Pride Photo Exhibition by Pride Photo Foundation and one of the speakers at the speaker’s programme Pride Photo: A Love Letter to Queer Resilience at Framer Framed.


Pride Photo: A Love Letter to Queer Resilience

An evening programme highlighting some of the incredible visual stories in this year’s Pride Photo exhibition.