About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Kenneth Geurts Kenneth Geurts

Kenneth Geurts

Kenneth Geurts (1996) is a Dutch Artistic Researcher whose work and research interests revolve around archival material. He mostly works with themes of critical theory, memory studies and decolonialism; with a focus on Dutch heritage. He is currently residing in New York for a research project on the entanglements between the Dutch colonisation of Manhattan and the rise of global capitalism. He has a background in media studies and art history and has worked as a film curator at a cinema, as well as an editor for an arts magazine over the past few years. He currently works as a graphic designer for Simulacrum Magazine.


Transoceanic Memories: Disaster Haggyo presentation
An afternoon of transdisciplinary dialogues on disasters in the Anthropocene supported by Arts Council Korea
