About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Masoumeh Bakhtiari, Photo: Masoud Soheili

Masoumeh Bakhtiary

Masoumeh Bakhtiary was born in Teheran, Iran in 1966 where she lives and works. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Painting from Tehran University and a Master of Arts in Animation from the Tarbiat Modarres University of Tehran. 

Selected solo exhibitions include: 

Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2014); Assar Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2004); Depot Square Gallery, Boston, USA (2004), Williams Tower Gallery, Houston, USA (2003); Oveissi Gallery, Los Angeles, USA (1999) and several group exhibitions in Iran.

In 2013, she participated in the group exhibition Speaking from the Heart, curated by Shaheen Merali, at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.


Masoumeh Mozafari, Heatstroke, 2 paintings 100 x 100cm. Foto Cas Bool

Exhibition: Speaking from the Heart - The Polemic Sensibility from Iran

Curated by Shaheen Merali