Seminar: We Curate – Kick off seminar
Today the world is changing faster than ever. With a click of a button we can be in London, Hong-Kong or Dubai. The rise of new economic great powers has led to a shift in the balance of power. No longer is the center of the art world located in Paris or New York. Instead, we are faced with a mosaic of art centers spread around the globe, which do not share a coherent, universal art-historical vision.
A growing number of European art galleries are now taking on the task of creating a more inclusive representation of art and history. The question is how can galleries represent the diversity that globalization has brought to us. This has been a particular challenge for the Arts in western societies since they have a specific legacy of colonialism.
In a one day seminar, We Curate, will look at the changing role that art galleries are faced with today. How can art institutions become more inclusive? How can curators and stakeholders learn to share authority? Does sharing mean devaluating the hard worn experience of the
professional? And what role do public institutions have when being a civic space for inclusion and engagement with the Arts.
This seminar is orientated towards outlining and drawing together the insights and concerns of academic research, museum professions and policy makers. The aim of the seminar is that it will provide further reflection and collaboration between these groups.
Morning program – 10:00 – 13:00
Post Globalisation
We are confronted with numerous crisis; economic, monetary, ecological, democratic etc. How can we build new networks of solidarity and trust in a period of raising uncertainties. How do artists anticipate on these future perspectives? 8 presentations by artists.
LUNCH 13:00 – 14:30
Afternoon program – 14:30 – 17:00
We Curate – Exploring new forms of inclusion, solidarity and trust
Key note speakers:
Leontine Meijer van Mensch (Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam, NL),
Mia Ridge (Open University, UK) with Helen Weinstein (Founding Director of IPUP, UK, and historyworkstv)
Shaheen Merali (curator, writer, UK).
Wim Manuhutu, art and heritage professional, PHD on colonial history and former director of Museum Maluku a museum of the Moluccan Community in the Netherlands. Wim Manuhutu is professional moderator of discussions and debates.
Host to the We Curate seminar is the Sigmond Foundation.
Attendance at the seminar is free, however places are limited.
- We Curate
Museology / Innovative heritage /