7 Hills Foundation
The 7 Hills Foundation is a non-profit organization and has been established in 2009 by young professionals who wanted to participate in the process of writing a new global art history and be part of it. 7 Hills Foundation is established to promote contemporary art with a focus on Turkey and her surrounding and connected countries – from a global perspective.
The 7 Hills Foundation pursues that freedom in all aspects of life is reachable for everyone presented through visual art, music, theatre and cinema, but also a reflection in writing and debate. Brought to western society from other types of multi-cultural, open-minded and historical cities like Istanbul, independent of any frame. The Foundation’s main goal is to present and represent the best examples of multi-disciplinary arts and artists in a true way, far away from Orientalism or Auto-Orientalism, within the context that values it as art and nothing other than that. 7 Hills Foundation deals with the concepts of many art forms by researching, evaluating, creating and finally producing.