17 May 2016 – 19:00
Grensdenken? Het ontregelen van de concepten van grensregimes en het migratie controle systeem
Tijd 19:00 – 21:00 Locatie Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2 1031 KT, Amsterdam-Noord Route Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin is van Amsterdam Centraal Station bereikbaar met het pontje ‘Buiksloterweg’. De entree van het gebouw ligt direct aan het fietspad langs het IJ. De expositieruimte is bereikbaar via restaurant THT. Entree Gratis
Event surrounding the exhibition Voices Outside the Echo Chamber: Questioning Myths, Facts and Framings of Migration at Framer Framed (2016), curated by Katayoun Arian.
Tonight’s talk will be on the European Migratory Control System, the German culture of deportation and the media schizophrenia surrounding Angela Merkel’s “refugees welcome” while the war on refugees and migrants is going on as usual.
With guests
Daniela Ortiz, artist and activist (Barcelona), part of the exhibition with her work ‘Condecoración’
Aino Korvensyrjä (Berlin), researcher and activist
Both speakers approach their research and activism from a decolonial perspective. The talk will be moderated by curator Katayoun Arian.
Speaker 1: Daniela Ortiz – Migratory Control System, Whiteness and Eurocentrism
The debate related to migratory processes, the studies and news that reference them are usually centered in accounting, analyzing, describing and question migrant people in an exhaustive way. The camera spotlight, newspaper headlines, and political debates portray the migrant population as a problem to be resolved though integration, persecution, and forced expulsion, thus normalizing the violence of the migration control system. This talk approaches the current situation from a different perspective, exploring the legal systems created by the European Union and specially the Spanish government to regularize violence against the migrant population since the late 80s. It also looks at the exaltation and unremitting defense of pro-colonial symbols and narratives as a means of supporting racialized structures, and the role of Europe’s human rights and charity industry within the framework of systematic violence.
Speaker 2: Aino Korvensyrjä – A Never-Ending Post-Cologne? Deportation, German State Racism and the Colonial Archive of Legal Images
Representations circulating socially and in the media of migrants and refugees in Europe as criminals or victims are not simply images. They both direct law making and legal practice regarding non-EU-citizens as well as are themselves generated by European Apartheid laws, as refugee activists in Germany have pointed out. Just like Apartheid these images too have a colonial history, or rather they constitute a colonial archive or repertoire from which to draw during periodical crises of the border regime, always of course in a new context and with novel effects. This operation became once again evident during the public hysteria following the Cologne “events” on the New Years Eve: A storm of (verbal, visual) images of dark men harassing white women accompanied the passing of harsher laws and the initiation of other policy measures. In her talk, Aino Korvensyrjä will review some earlier assemblages of this sort of images in Germany and the legal change connected to them. She will start from the 1970s and 1980s when European border regime started to transform with the global shift to neoliberalism and structural readjustment, moving via the 1990s, marked by the emergence of self-organised refugee and migrant resistance in Germany and France, approaching the current moment of the “refugee crisis”.
Migratie / Politiek en technologie /

Expositie: Voices Outside the Echo Chamber
Questioning Myths, Facts and Framings of Migration, samengesteld door Katayoun Arian
Het bevragen van representaties van migratie in de kunstpraktijk
Een gesprek met Angela Anderson en Katayoun Arian in het kader van de tentoonstelling Voices Outside the Echo Chamber.

Aino Korvensyrjä
Onderzoeker, activist