About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Video on the exhibition Speaking from the Heart

Video by Pejman Akbarzadeh / Persian Dutch Network

Video item: Speaking from the Heart - The Polemic Sensibility from Iran

AT5 bezoekt de tentoonstelling met Atousa Bandeh, Mardjan Seighali en Soheila Najand

Videoregistratie: Pim Westerkamp on the colonial occupation of Batavia and the role of slavery in the colony

Presentation on Dutch colonial history in the East, especially the presence of slavery in the city of Batavia

Lecture: Alanna Lockward on Decolonial Aesthetics

The lecture was part of a series of events organized by Framer Framed in the context of the exhibition Who Sci-Fi More Than Us? (2012) curated by Nancy Hoffmann

Video Contested History - Rob van Ginkel

Colonial Photography - Koos van Brakel

Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam September 13, 2012