Rolando Vázquez Melken
Rolando Vázquez Melken is associate Professor of Sociology at University College Roosevelt in The Netherlands and co-organiser of the Decolonial Summer School in Middelburg. In 2024 he was appointed Professor of Post/Decolonial Theories and Literatures, with a focus on the Global South, at the department of Literary and Cultural Analysis & the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA). His research circles around three interdisciplinary topics: ‘postcolonial thinking’, ‘visual social experience’ and the ‘critique of modern time’. His work brings together a variety of fields such as: critical theory, continental philosophy, post-structuralism, decolonial thinking, visual studies and aesthetics. He has written about Coloniality, Modernity, the Critique of Modern Time and Photography.
Vázquez Melken has published Vistas of Modernity – decolonial aesthesis and the end of the contemporary at Jap Sam Books: “This project dovetails with my own ongoing research agenda of bringing to dialogue the European Critique of Modernity with Latin American and Caribbean decolonial thinking. The task of a dialogue between Latin America and Europe, as I see it, is necessary for extending the critique of modern forms of hegemony and thus, for opening up a space of epistemic justice where ‘other knowledges‘ can thrive”.