17 Oct 2017
20:00 - 22:00
Pedagogies of the Opaque (I): Black Schools: Learning for and by Black Futures
I used to wonder
About living and dying
Pedagogies of the Opaque (I) is the first gathering in a series of public research events for, with and about ex-centric cultural, communal and collective practices and thinking. However make shift or short lived these may be, ex-centric practitioners create for themselves and for their communities structures of coping & thriving – within a world in which their survival was never intended nor a priority for institutions and society.
I think the difference lies
Between tears and crying.
These pockets in space and time that ex-centric practices create for storytelling, learning, sharing and archiving are often also acts and places of resistance, waywardness, refusal and opacity – as well as sources for joy and laughter.
I used to wonder
About here and there
The gatherings facilitate an ongoing and public critical discourse, a circulation of knowledge, meaning making, cultural presence and agency, reading and representation of how culture and art are produced in our globalized societies. In which ways have ex-centric, minoritized, racialized and radical practices reframed and informed themselves with (inter-generational) collective strategies of learning, sharing and joy that contribute to the survival and well-being of their communities, experiences as well as cultural archives?
I think the distance
Is nowhere.
Pedagogies of the Opaque (I): Black Schools: Learning for and by Black Futures
– with Negarra A. Kudumu, independent essayist & curator / Manager of Public Programs at the Frye Art Museum; and artist and filmmaker Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes as guest conversationalists. Pedagogies of the Opaque is hosted by Amal Alhaag and Maria Guggenbichler.
Poem: ‘Border Line’ by Langston Hughes (1947)
Pedagogies of Violence, Pedagogies of Care
Onderdeel van 'Moving Together: Activism, Art and Education - A Week with Angela Davis'. Georganiseerd door Amal Alhaag & Maria Guggenbichler.

Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes
Kunsthistoricus en curator

Negarra A. Kudumu
Auteur en curator

Maria Guggenbichler