FLAM Festival
FLAM Festival of Live Art Amsterdam was founded in 2011 by artists Rose Akras and Dirk-Jan Jager. FLAM became the first recurrent festival happening in gallery spaces in the Netherlands, dedicated to live art as a genre which is not tied to a discipline or conventional relations of duration, public and space. FLAM operates as a group exhibition presenting works with backgrounds in various art languages that have in common the urge to be presented live. This allows the composition of a dynamic program characterised by diversity in form, duration and theme.
The need for a platform exclusively devoted to performance art as an independent art form was the direct reason for the creation of FLAM. The exponential growth of hybrid artworks aiming to reach an audience in the last decade shows that such a platform continues to be urgent and relevant for the sustainability of this field. The main mission is to offer space for artists to dare experiment and exercise autonomy, showing works which arise from intrinsic research and can be independent of current trends or thematics. FLAM offers young artists a platform to present their first works, and mid-career artists to explore new ways.
The platform commits to being plural, multiple and diverse at its heart supporting diverse gender, physicality and cultural identities to arise, meet and dialogue. The event is thus experienced as a manifestation of the queer, in the broadest sense of the word.
FLAM remains the only performing arts festival in which the core program is organised in art spaces, facilitating versatile presentations and encounters between artists and the public. The assemblage of the audience, work and artist on the same physical scene is a strong part of FLAM’s identity.