About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Installatiefoto van de tentoonstelling Tanah Merdeka (2023) van het kunstenaarscollectief Taring Padi bij Framer Framed, Amsterdam. Foto: © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed

Hestu Setu Legi on the making of 'Retomar Nossa Terra / Rebut Tanah Kita' (2023) by Taring Padi from Framer Framed on Vimeo.

Video: Hestu Setu Legi on the making of ‘Retomar Nossa Terra / Rebut Tanah Kita’ (2023) by Taring Padi


Exhibition: Tanah Merdeka

An exhibition with the Indonesian art & activist collective, Taring Padi, reflecting on the concept of land as the object and site of decolonial struggles.


Benjamin Seroussi


Taring Padi
