About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

World art and global art. A new challenge to art history

Lecture by Hans Belting at the Global Art Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany

Contemporary art in Ethnographic Museums

An introduction by Anke Bangma on the recent acquisitions of the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam

Video Shared Heritage - Theory and Practice

Syposium on Dutch kolonial history in the Netheralnds an the former colonies over sea

Framer Framed - The Guided View - paneldiscussion

Worden musea opgeroepen de nationale geschiedenis en identiteit actief aan de bevolking over te dragen?

Framer Framed - de blik op het oosten - Mirjam Shatanawi

Booklaunch Islam in beeld

Framer Framed - Cultural Heritage and Shared Knowledge - Silvia Karolina