About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Video: Suspended Histories - Edy Seriese

Contribution by Edy Seriese  to the symposium Suspended Histories jointly organized by Framer Framed and Museum Van Loon to discusses the colonial past of the Van Loon family, and the  ways in which that past is presented and represented in Museum Van Loon

Speech by Olympia Latupeirissa at the former Van Heutsz Monument

Video of Olympia Latuperissa at Monument Indië Nederland, May 5, 2012

Video: The unveiling of the Dutch Indies Monument

Video by Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum, May 5, 2012

20 years Thami Mnyele Foundation

A video on the artists-in-residence program for artists from Africa (and diaspora)

Tiong Ang - My name is Pencil

Een interview naar aanleiding van het werk 'Mijn naam is Potlood', dat Tiong Ang realiseerde voor de expositie Beyond the Dutch

De Avonden - Africa at the Tropenmuseum

Paul Faber, curator at the Tropenmuseum, on the Africa collection