20 Dec 2022
18:00 - 21:30
Between The Lines: Men's Edition
As society changes, so does the role of men. What does it mean to be a man in this time? How do you deal with expectations? And what kind of man do you want to be?
This event is free and in Dutch.
Register via Eventbrite
The poetry workshop ‘Tussen de Regels Door’ is for men who are struggling with these questions. There are many men who want to change, but find it rather difficult, they run into all kinds of issues; both in their environment and in themselves. Together with life artist and poet Joey Velberg, we delve deeper into issues such as masculinity and identity. During the workshop, participants will be encouraged through various writing exercises to put their doubts, fears, emotions and successes on paper. By men, we mean anyone who identifies as a man or has been socialised as a man. Whether you are cis- or transgender, hetero- or homosexual, queer, non-binary or intersex: you are welcome. Please, be welcome and write your story.
This workshop includes:
– Tools for creative writing
– A safe environment to share your work
– Space for you as a human being
And as a nice bonus, you will walk away with a free copy of Joey Velberg’s debut poetry album Away with the Words.
This workshop is financially supported by Emancipator and the White Ribbon Campaign. What kind of man do you want to be to prevent gender-based violence?
- Emancipator
- Joey Velberg
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