12 Jun 2020
17:00 - 19:00
Reading Room: Basket Case 1 - Reconnecting in the Pandemic
Framer Framed and Salwa Foundation invite you to a reversed reading room, where the aim of this collective “basket” is to collect knowledge and resources to grapple with our times in a more democratic and participatory way. In this online gathering room, we will explore how the global pandemic has affected our ways of working and interacting with others.

We can not only read a text, but we can also read a room. We can read the stars. We can read someone’s face. We can read images. We can trace a line with our fingertips, write a manifesto on our phones. So much has been written about our current condition. However, instead of starting with existing texts and the analysis of experts, we would like to work with your lived experience of these times. What do you see, feel, touch, notice, smell, taste? How is our daily life affected by the pandemic?
How can we connect with each other? How can we work together, protest together, express solidarity?
What is the new order that you would want to create?
How will artistic practices that rely on tangibility and senses change?
How can you organise collectivity when you are unable to meet in person? How can we create new forms of intimacy and gathering?
Together we will explore different modes of reading and processing through discussion and group exercises, which will be announced to participants on a weekly basis Fridays from 12th June to 3rd July. The ‘basket case’ will end in weaving a hybrid text, a publication that brings together the different resources. Framer Framed is working in collaboration with Salwa Foundation, a platform for artists, designers and creative thinkers who want to study or work in the Netherlands, to present an online gathering room.
- Salwa Foundation
Collectives /
Homemade Seeds
The third and final SALWA Gathering at Framer Framed
Workshop: Imagining Futures and Narrative Baskets
The final session of our 'Basket Case' reading room to gather resources for reconnecting in the pandemic.
Reading Room: Basket Case 2 - Cooking and Care
A reversed reading room with a collective “basket” to gather resources for reconnecting in the pandemic.

Sandra Ramzy