15 Apr 2024
17:30 - 19:30
Finissage: Homies
Framer Framed invites you to a moment of celebration at the finissage of the Homies exhibition. The exhibition is a presentation of the Homies fashion line, conceptualised and produced by members of the collective We Sell Reality.
“Homies is a fashion line sparked by fighting injustices. Homies is a fashion line that explores the notions of home, from the perspective of being without a home. It is a fashion line inspired by memories related to homes left behind, and by the search for a new place to land. Homies is about how friends can become a substitute to survive feelings of not being grounded. Homies is a way out of the misery. Homies is a home in itself.”
Join us on Monday 15 April from 17:30-19:30 for a festive ending to match this playful and colourful fashion line. During the finissage we also celebrate that We Sell Reality has reached its fundraising goal for their space at Grond, their new home in Bajesdorp, Amsterdam. It is the final chance to browse the collection, which mixes different styles with an unapologetic freedom that is a testimony of resilience. The collection’s designs are a representation of solidarity with all who are displaced.
Everyone who purchased an item from the store during the opening event is encouraged to pick up their items during the finissage and join in the celebration.
Sign up to let us know you’re attending here!
Date & time
Monday 15 April | 17:30-19:30
Framer Framed
Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71
1093 KS, Amsterdam
Homies was developed during a guest residency at the Rijksakademie of We Sell Reality, Wouter van der Laan and Esther Meijer under the umbrella of the collaborative project Artistic Ecologies, set up by WHW (Zagreb), Moabit (Berlin) and de Rijksakademie (Amsterdam).
Homies is made possible by the European Union, Vriendenloterij Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, de Rijksakademie and Framer Framed.
Framer Framed is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Amsterdam Fund for the Arts; Municipality of Amsterdam; and VriendenLoterij Fonds.
- Organisation - We Sell Reality
- Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten - Amsterdam
- We Sell Reality Facebook page
Community & Learning / Collectives / Art and Activism / Migration / Textile /

Exhibition: Homies
Exhibition and clothing shop selling a fashion line produced by members of the art collective We Sell Reality